Sunday, 10 November 2013


The Nazi's had three main methods of control over the press:

Firstly, it controlled all of these involvements in press - journalist, editors, publishers - through compulsory membership of co-ordinating bodies. The Reich Press Chamber included the Reich Assoication of the German Press which kept a reigister of acceptable editors and journalists. A law created in October 1933 made editors respsonible for infrigements of government directives. Thus meaning that anything published against the government were removed, so everything publised in newspapers about the government were positive. 

Secondly, the RMVP controlled the content of the press through the state-controlled Press Agaency which provided roughly half of te content of the newspapers. The RMVP helded daily press conferences and issued detailed directives on content, including the length and position of articles. 

Lastly, control was exercised by by extending Nazi ownership of the press. The Nazi Party's publishing house, Ether Verlag, gradually took over, directly or indrectly, most of the press. Thus Nazi ownership of the media grew from 5% (of circulation) in 1933 to 69% in 1939 and to 82% in 1944. 

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